Audit Readiness
OpsEase can help you gauge whether you’ll pass an audit. Through an AI tool, incident tracking and advanced reporting, OpsEase can predict whether you’ll pass an audit. This insight makes passing audits faster, less time consuming, and cheaper.
Evidence Packaging
When auditors show up, ease of passing the audit will come down to your ability to produce evidence. OpsEase makes evidence tracking easy as controls are completed. At the onset of an audit, OpsEase packages all evidence in an audit-friendly package tied directly to your controls making it easy for an auditor to review all controls and completion evidence.
Audit Control
OpsEase makes it easy to give auditors access to just what they need – nothing more, nothing less. Lots of organizations have a handful of security frameworks they need to comply with however only audit portions of it. OpsEase makes it easy to provide access to only the controls, logs and evidence necessary for the scope of the audit.